Submission Information

Submitting an Abstract: The abstract submitted to the conference can describe the proposed paper, work in progress, etc. It must be submitted in form of Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx) and should be about 150-300 words. Please refer to the abstract template on the conference website.

Submitting a Paper: Below is a summary of what is needed to consider when submitting a full paper. Please also download the paper template that explains the requirements in detail, as available on the conference website.

  • Papers must not exceed 5,000 words in length, including abstract, content parts, and references for a total of 8-10 pages.
  • References should follow the APA referencing style, which means that primary references in the text should be in the format and should then be listed at the end of the paper.
  • Before submitting your paper, please ensure that it has been carefully read for typographical and grammatical errors. If English is not your first language, have your paper proof-read by an English speaking person. Papers will be returned if the standard of English is not considered to be good enough for publication.
  • Papers can be produced in a form of Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx). It must not be sent in PDF format and should not be zipped.

Please note that the proposed article has never been published in any journal or publication before, either in the country or overseas.

Before the submission, the academic work should be arranged in the article format, font types, and references with consistency by using the template of the conference’s paper as provided on the website.

The papers/abstracts will be first assessed by our editorial board who will initially decide whether to accept the papers. Subsequently, they will be reviewed by qualified readers who will recommend rejection or acceptance for publication.

The articles (the final papers/abstracts) will be presented in the conference after the following situations: (1) the authors submit the final draft with the correction from the peer review process (qualified readers); and (2) the payment of registration is paid and the payment bill uploaded in the conference system.

The committee will issue an Acceptance Letter after the authors submit the final draft with the correction from the peer review (qualified readers).

Regarding rejection due to plagiarism, the conference committee hereby refuses to refund the cost of published articles in all cases.

Oral Presentation Guidelines

Presenters have to be in the list of authors of the submitted academic work, and be ready for the oral presentation on the conference date and time scheduled. They expected to give a 12-minute presentation of the work and a 3-minute response to the questions.


All accepted academic papers will be published in the conference proceeding book (with eISBN). The conference review committee will also select the high-quality papers for publication in Songklanakarin Journal of Management Sciences (Indexed in TCI, Tier1 and ACI). The final decision for the journal publication will be made by the review board of the journal.

Certificates and Awarded papers

Each presenter will get a certificate after he/she presentation (One paper presented by one presenter only). The best paper will be awarded “the Best Paper Award” and the best presentation will be awarded “the Best Oral Presentation Award.” Please be informed that the committee’s decision is considered final.